Jesus chose _______ (how many) disciples?
How many can you name?
Check out Matthew 10 : 2-4 & Matthew 4 : 18-22
These guys did other stuff before Jesus asked them to hang with him:
At least 4 disciples were fishermen - who were they?
One was an unpopular taxman (also called Levi!) - who was that?
Another took care of the money - who was that?
Some had the same first name - can you find them?
One belonged to a political party - who was that?
One needed proof to believe stuff, he doubted a bit - who was that?
Some other guys might have been tradesmen but we don’t really know.
What we do know is that they didn’t hesitate to follow Jesus when he called them. What about you?
Just for Fun
Make a fishing game
(Jesus told his disciples in Matthew 4 : 19 that instead of catching fish he would teach them how to catch people. What do you think he meant by that?)
Did You Know?
A disciple is someone who wants to be just like the person they are following.
The word discipline comes from the same root as ‘disciple’ and reminds us that we have to work at being a disciple.