We are now in Alert Level 3 - Yay!! Hopefully, in a few weeks, we will move to Alert Level 2.
The whole world is trying to fight our enemy, the coronavirus!
But we have a worse enemy - the Devil.
1 Peter 5:8 tells us to … Be alert, be on watch! Your enemy, the Devil, roams around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour.
Followers of Jesus need to be at Alert Level 100 … and stay there!
The Devil wants us to make bad choices in what we think, say and do.
1 Peter 5:10 reminds us how Jesus Christ will help us to resist the Devil.
It’s like Jesus is our vaccine!
Work out the memory verse puzzle
Play the ‘staring game’ with one of your family - stay alert… don’t blink first! Or if there’s a few of you in your bubble, play ‘Sneak Up Granny’
Make gingerbread (or cardboard/paper/lego) people and use them to act out the gingerbread man story but change the ending… (the devil is the fox so don’t let him devour you!)
Make an ‘alert’ poster to hang somewhere in your house to remind you how to live in Alert Level 100 … ( be kind; obey Mum; pray about it; share ….)
Read James 4:7 - 10 in The Message version of the Bible