God showed his power by sending fire to burn up the sacrifice that Elijah had made. And the people who witnessed it were so amazed they couldn’t help but say that God really was GOD!!

BUT … there was still a famine in the land because it hadn’t rained for more than 3 years! (see Luke ch 4 v 25)
Elijah said to King Ahab, “Go and eat. I hear the roar of rain approaching.”
Then Elijah and a servant climbed up the mountain. Elijah got down on his knees and prayed. He asked the servant to look towards the sea and tell him what he could see.
The servant came back and said, “I didn’t see a thing.”
So Elijah told him to go and look again. He did this 7 times! Finally the servant came back and told Elijah that he’d seen a little cloud coming out of the sea.
Elijah told the servant to go to King Ahab and tell him to get in his chariot and go home before the rain stopped him. Soon the sky was covered with dark clouds.
And them... the wind blew and it POURED DOWN WITH RAIN!
That made King Ahab get in his chariot and get going!
The Bible says, “The power of the Lord came on Elijah; he fastened his clothes tight around his waist and ran ahead of Ahab all the way to Jezreel.”
What happened next?
King Ahab told Queen Jezebel what had happened and that all her prophets of Baal and Asherah had been killed. She was SO ANGRY! Queen Jezebel sent a message to Elijah that she was going to kill him!

What did Elijah do?
Yes, he ran away. He was afraid.
You might be wondering why he was scared. After all, he was a prophet of God. The ONLY GOD! The God who had sent birds to feed him. The God who had made the flour and oil not run out. The God who had brought the woman’s son back to LIFE! And the God who had sent fire. But, he still ran...
We don’t know why he was scared but it helps us to know that someone as famous as Elijah could be afraid. Because sometimes we feel afraid or worried.
God sent an angel to take care of Elijah, and later God spoke to Elijah and helped him to know what to do next. If we are his followers he does this for us too.
IDEA 1 : Next time it rains (ask your parents) if you can run around in it with your togs on. See if you can run sooooooo fast you don't get very wet!
IDEA 2 : Have a bath or shower and sing LOUDLY all the songs about water you know (Row, row, row your boat... The wise man built his house upon the rock... Baby shark... and more)
IDEA 3 : Offer to do the dishes. Check out and see what things float and which sink down.